
Collective Faculty Experience

230+ man years of facilitation experience coupled with 600+ man years of professional experience in Defence and Corporate sector

Our multifaceted faculty and associate faculty team is drawn from sectors such as defence, corporate, academics, creative arts, research and development and consulting. Our collective experience and expertise include areas of human behaviour, group dynamics, psychometrics, advanced approaches, forms and methodologies of learning, management practices, and structured experiential learning.

Design Dexterity & Delivery Agility
Contextualized Customized and Co-Created Design Every consulting assignment is Contextualized through in-depth diagnostics. Then, solutions are Co-created with stakeholders thus adding value beyond the stated initial brief. Fine tuning of the design is ensured through a Customization process that assimilates inputs from the participants.
Methodology Dexterity Researched & Proprietary Architectures are used to holistically address organizations' Learning, Development, Efficacy, Change and Renewal needs. Proprietary Pegasus Immersion Field encompasses Learning Immersion and Practice Immersion. Life Cycle Based Approach providing rigor to undertake an end-to-end engagement or the flexibility to focus on modular sub-sets.
Immersive and Agile Delivery Using the Pegasus Immersion Field, experiential and other learning forms are blended to deliver developmental experiences with lasting impact, be it in Episodic or in Extended Engagements. In the Episodic Engagements, participants undergo Learning Immersion through ‘Unbounding, & Nurturing” Spaces wherein they learn/ unlearn & relearn to get themselves renewed & re-energized. In the Extended Engagements, Practice Immersion is facilitated at the workplace, using Enabling & Enduring Spaces, to deepen learning and sustain growth. Pegasus provides Immersive Delivery Excellence both at on-campus and off-campus spaces.
Participant Diversity

Our corporate sector participants range from vendors, channel partners, unionised employees, fresh entrants, managers, to C-Suite executives/CXOs. Education sector participants include school & college students, staff, teachers, HODs and the management. Government sector participants include income tax probationers, officers, police personnel, IPS Officers, defence scientists, ICT professionals and senior managers/leadership of ordnance factories. Public Sector participants range from dealers, new executives, middle managers, to chief general managers.

We also cater to the development needs of NGOs, sports persons, youth and women. Our commitment to inclusion and diversity has resulted in ethos based offerings for the marginalized: empowerment of war widows, integration of rural youth, and rehabilitation of sex workers.

Spectrum of Services

Pegasus services caters to the varied developmental needs of budding professionals, managers, leaders, teams and organizations

  • Professional Growth and Development
  • Managerial Development
  • Leadership Development
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Organisational Effectiveness

Systemic Spread of Pegasus Offerings

Professional Effectiveness Team Effectiveness Organizational Effectiveness Leadership Effectiveness
Masterclass Certification in OD (by) Leading Change (OD – LC) Managing Change Organization Development Engagements using Appreciative Experiential Learning (AEL) Smart Track Executive Education Program (STEEP) for Aspiring CXOs
Management Development Programs (MDPs) Integrating / Synergising Channel Partners Organization Development Engagements using Synergistic Andragogy In company Leadership Development Programs (LDPs)
Assesment Development Centre Conflict / Perspective Management (for Team Efficacy) Organization Effectiveness Engagements using Blended Learning (Practice Your Learning - PYL) Coaching Mentoring
Competency Based Programs for Middle Managers Virtual Teams Organization Effectiveness Engagements using OLC High Pots
Cross–cultural Teams Change Management Visioning and Strategy Building
First Time Leaders Programs High performance teams HR Strategy Transformational Leadership
Professional Acculturation Cross–functional Teams Organization Restructuring  
Campus to Corporate / Profession Intact Teams    
Employment Readiness Team Bonding    

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