Journey So Far

During the Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization phase in India, the nation faced situations such as corporate scale management; multicultural work force operating through multiple time zones; need to integrate resources and technology for a common outcome was at its highest. It was during these times that Capt. S Ravi (having experienced both the micro and macro ways by which the Indian Army operated and his experience with a small scale industry witnessed a lot of labor unrest and other people related issues and also got a ring side view of how industries operate) founded Pegasus Academy & Consulting with an idea to transfer Management Technologies from Evolved Systems such as Armed Forces to Evolving Systems such as Corporate Systems.

The Institute was incubated as an experiential learning cradle, wherein, the Structured Experiential Learning approach had been consciously adopted. Now with the emerging learning needs for the various contexts of economy, technology and markets, Pegasus now offers continuing education in through its newer approaches and experiential and cognitive methods/forms to help/aid individuals and organizations realize their full potential.

  • Founded in 1997, Pegasus is now a Pan-India institution, present in Bangalore, Dehradun and Pondicherry.
  • Program delivery at Pegasus centers and off-sites across in India and abroad.
  • Overseas footprint: UK, Canada, Sri Lanka, China, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
  • ~1719 client organizations, ~9992+ programs, ~286,517 participants as on December 2024.
  • Sector spread: Education, Corporate, Government, Public Sector Undertakings and NGOs.
  • Domain Spread: IT, ITES, Manufacturing, Engineering, BFSI, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Retail, Logistics, Telecom, FMCG, Media & Entertainment, Hospitality, Real estate, Utilities, Infrastructure, Power and Consulting.
  • 230+ man years of facilitation experience coupled with 600+ man years of professional experience in Defence and Corporate sector.
  • Celebrated 25th Anniversary  in November 2022.

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