B Divakar

B Divakar

Divakar has joined Pegasus in 2015, prior to which he has been a Senior Manager, National Training Manager and Marketing Manager WR for Philips India Ltd., In Philips Divakar was ten Times Performance award winner, achieved the position of a Lead Trainer in the country for Retail Selling Skills. He is certified by an internationally recognized Management Consultant called Best Options Management group from Philippines (BOM). He is Asia Pacific region record holder by scoring 100% in the Best Options Management Consultants’ Lead Trainer Assessment Program. He was also in sales during which he managed the highest business volume of Rs. 750 million in Tamil Nadu, contributing to over 45% of the regional sales turnover. Divakar through his efforts enhanced market share of Incandescent Lamp Group from 33% to 47% and 34% to 45% in Fluorescent Group, in three years’ time in the State of Kerala. He increased the turnover from 120 million to 240 million in Kerala in three years, brought Kerala Sate to 7th position from 15th position in absolute value terms, and made Kerala as No 1 State in India for Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) sales. Divakar is a consistent performer and achieved and exceeded planned sales increases through varied sales and clientele strategies. He developed confidence in customers for ‘runners’ in Chennai city by ensuring price stability for the product during volatile market conditions, reflected in higher volumes sales , Improved visibility and increased market share.

He has also served HUL (Brooke Bond) where he served in various capacities and learnt sales, collections, stock books, sales forecasting, indenting, banking, accounting and delivery of goods. Later he became trainer and has completed training for 175 strong sales team comprising of RSM’s, ASM’s and Sales Officers and about 500 Distributor sales person in the capacity of National Training Manger. He planned and implemented the Sippai incentive program to motivate and enable the distributor sales persons to build business. Divakar developed leaders and was instrumental in their promotions to next level. He has introduced new process for channel partners to enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction. He conducted induction program for new hires and made them “Ready to Market”. He is known for his contributions to conceptualizing and designing the Distribution Reimbursement Policy for the Trade Channel Partners and facilitating high-innovation promotional schemes to enhance brand visibility. At HUL he led the business model change process and was instrumental in moving the sales mix between wholesale and distribution changed from 75:25 to 20:80 respectively which increased the business.

Divakar organized a Free Eye camp for 200 families in a village Sandavasl, in Vellore district with the help of Lions Club, offering them free check-up through computerized blood analyzer.

He has been consultant for Green Pearl Electronics for Involving Channel Appointment, Creation of Product Package Design, Setting up Sales and Marketing process – involving Product, Placement, Promotion and People and overseeing the operation from after production to distribution. Divakar is now a Partner at Pegasus. He brings his experience to facilitation of learning programmes.

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