With every change we are in a new situation or context. Our contexts are defined by stakeholders, relations and tasks. Every context has a purpose and meaning. To effectively address ever changing context, one has to unlearn and learn all the time. Facilitators enable people by equipping them with an ability to continuously “learn to learn” and respond to emergent contexts. Facilitation simplifies assists, expedites and/or accelerates learning. Pegasus facilitation style is known for its unique revealing method and has been co-created by Pegasus along with its stakeholders since 1997.
To enable individuals ‘Learn to Unlearn’ and ‘Facilitate Learning’ – This programme exposes the participants to the concepts, gives them experience of various practices such as goal setting, debriefing, reflection and their importance in improving learner engagement. Research has shown that teachers’/facilitators’ attitude and behaviour are important factors in learner engagement. This is an intense programme and the participants of this programme go through rigorous self-discovery and are given feed-forward on how they can leverage their strengths and how they can work to improve their dys-functionalities. The combined learning of concepts, practices and self-development makes the participant learning ready.
Programme deploys a hybrid methodology that blends learning forms through Case studies; Concept sessions; Simulations; Group discussions; Videos; Role play and Project Work.
Program guarantees participants the 3 E’s