Co-Creation is a business ideology and strategy aimed to put the customer at the heart of the company, mainly in the product development. Pegasus endeavors to include and involve its customers at each and every stage of its learning delivery. It aims to bring in newness through the intense interaction and step by step process that exists in Pegasus.
Pegasus programmes derive their strengths from the custom design in which customer is fully involved. Questionnaires designed to meet the specific needs are administered and interviews are held with individuals or group of stakeholders in order to sense the context and the learning needs. The knowledge and experience that exists in the customer system is tacit and is made explicit in this process. Programmes are designed only after the context of customer is entirely understood and articulated. This makes Pegasus programmes effective and unique. Objectives, outcomes and process focus areas of the programme and each session of the programme are determined to make it relevant to the context of the customer.
Facilitation in Pegasus is aimed at drawing out the best of the participants from the customer system. Co-learning is encouraged and knowledge is created during the reflections by the participants and the facilitator together. The learning are connected to workplace and converted into action plans that the participants diligently work on. Pegasus team assists and if necessary coaches the participants to translate learning that has been brought to awareness into action for change.